
We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the following reviewers who have reviewed papers for Jurnal Sistem Informasi (Journal of Information System):

Arfive Gandhi, Department of Informatics Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kreatif Nusantara Bandung

Ave Adriana Pinem, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia

Imairi Eitiveni, The School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne

Irawan Nurhas, Positive Computing Institute, University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West

Larastri Kumaralalita, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia

Meyliana, School of Information System, Bina Nusantara University

Prihandoko, Information System and Informatics Departments, Gunadarma University

Rahmad Mahendra, Faculty of Compute Science, Universitas Indonesia

Qorib Munajat, School of Management Science, Lancaster University

Satrio Baskoro Yudhoatmojo, Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science, State University of New York

Uky Yudatama, Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Widia Resti Fitriani, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia