Data Quality Management in Educational Data

A Case Study of Statistics Polytechnic

  • Nori Wilantika Universitas Indonesia
  • Wahyu Catur Wibowo Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: Data quality management, data quality management maturity, higher education data


Every varsity in Indonesia is responsible for ensuring the completeness, the validity, the accuracy, and the currency of its educational data. The educational data is used for implementing higher-education quality assurance system and formulating policies related to universities and majors in Indonesia. Data quality assessment result indicates that educational data in Statistics Polytechnic did not meet completeness, validity, accuracy, and currency criteria. Data quality management maturity has been measured using Loshin’s Data Quality Maturity Model which result is in level 1 to level 2 of maturity. Only the data quality dimensions component has achieved the expected target. Thus, recommendations have been proposed based on the DAMA-DMBOK framework. The activities needed to be carried out are developing and promoting awareness of data quality; defining data quality requirements; profiling, analyzing, and evaluating data quality; define business rules for data quality, establish, and evaluate the data quality services levels, manage problems related to data quality, design and implement operational procedures for data quality management, and monitor operations and performance of data quality management procedures.


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How to Cite
Wilantika, N., & Wibowo, W. C. (2019). Data Quality Management in Educational Data: A Case Study of Statistics Polytechnic. Jurnal Sistem Informasi, 15(2), 52-67.